The Couchiching First Nation Chief and Council, Community Member, the Bingo Palace Management and Staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Couchiching Bingo Palace and we hope you enjoy yourself in our facilities.
Be sure to check out the daily for progressive jackpot numbers and updates on Monster Bingo
COUCHICHING BINGO PALACE is closed for two weeks starting Monday March 16, 2020
The monster bingo scheduled for March 28, 2020 will be postponed until April 2020
Couchiching Bingo Palace March 2020 Promotionals
The Bonus pots for Monday March 16th, 2020
Couchiching First Nation hopes you enjoy your evening with us. If you have any question or concerns, please do not hesitate to notify one of our staff and they will be most happy to assist you. C.F.N. Bingo Palace is open 7 days a week with bingo's beginning at 6:30pm each evening.
The Palace Management is aware at times questions and concerns do arise and welcomes any suggestions, concerns or complaints you may have. They can be addressed as follows:
The Palace Management will do their utmost best to address any suggestions, concerns or complaints you may have as a bingo player.
Open 7 Days a Week
Doors Open 5:00 PM
Early Birds start at 6:30 PM
On Friday, June 28, 1996, The Couchiching Bingo Palace formally opened it's door for business. During its years of operation the Couchiching First Nation Chief and Council, the Community Members, and the Bingo Palace Management and Staff have developed a great sense of pride in achieving a successful business as a First Nation Community.
Early Bird Game
6. B.N.O. Yellow %50
Toonie Pot Played #7 through #17 & 25 through #34
Regular Games
7. 1 line Light Blue $25
8. 2 lines Light Blue $50
9. Letter Y Light Blue $75
10. 1 Line Orange $25
11. 2 lines Orange $50
12. Inside Square Orange $75
13. One Line $25
14. Two Lines $75
15. 2 stamps Lime $25
16. 3 stamps Lime $50
17. 4 stamps Lime $75
1st Special-Speedo #1
18. Full Card Blue 60%
2nd Special-Lucky #7
19. Lucky #7 Red 60%
If won on designated # or less, Consolation or 2nd #7 pays 60%
3rd Special
20. Double Action 50%
4th Special-Palace (Odd/Even)
21. Full Card Pink Bonus
If won on designated # or less consolation or 2nd full card pay 60
5th Special Pot of Gold (G-Ball)
22. 1 line Orange $50
23. 2 lines Orange $50
24. Full Card Orange $2000
If won on designated # or less Consolation page $400
First G called is your G-Ball Number
Regular Games
25. 1 line Yellow $25
26. 2 lines Yellow $50
27. Block of Nine Yellow $75
28. 1 line Navy $25
29. 2 lines Navy $50
30. Letter X Navy $75
31. 1 line Olive $25
32. 2 line Olive $50
33. Roving T Olive $75
34. 2 Lines $100
7th Special-Bonanza
36. Full Card Purple Bonus
If won on your Bonanza Kicker Ball consolation or 2nd full card pays 60%
Jackpot Game
37. 1 line Green $50
38. 2 lines Green $100
39. Full Card Green $1000
Plus Big Bucks bonus if won on any 3 Big Bucks #'s
The Bingo Palace Canteen is Managed by WASAW Food Services and is open from 5:00PM to 8:30PM each night.
Couchiching First Nation