Programs offered by Couchiching
Toy Lending Library
The Couchiching Toy Lending Library Drop-In Play & Learn session are offered throughout the week in a variety of formats and times. All Drop-ins are year round.
Each Drop-In PLay & Learn session presents different features to enhance learning through play and to provide opportunities for families to get to know one another and share parenting experiences. The services provided are offered to families with children ages 0-6.
The Couchiching Toy Lending Library works in conjunction with the AHBHC program that offers additional programs that are scheduled either weekly or bi-weekly. These programs all serve as tools to enrich the lives of baby/child and to establish positive bonding time with parent and child.
Check us out on Facebook for program activities and updates at
Aboriginal Healthy Babies Healthy Children - Couchiching First Nation.
The Moms and Babes program is about giving babies the best start in life. This is open to all moms and dads with children ages 0-18 months. Parents interact with their child through routines, playtime, songs, and different activities that encourage the parents to learn to play and enjoy this special time with their growing children.
Janet Drennan & Brenda McPherson come into the community and prepare healthy nutritious meals with participants to take home for their family. This program is open to all community members and is held every two - three months.
The Cooking With Kids program is open to all moms and dads with children ages 0-6. Parents engage in hand on learning with their children around the kitchen. This program is offered once a month.
For the past two years Marilyn Perrault has committed her time to assisting and teaching parents who are interested in making star blankets for their children or significant others. The classes usually run two times a week, there are two classes which are open to any interested parents: 1) Baby star blanket making 2) Grandparents with grandchildren ages 0-6
On a weekly basis, the Toy Lending Library has various activities that are scheduled through each and every week of the month. Here's just some of the fun we have: Baking, Arts and Crafts, Play Time, Outdoor/Indoor Games, Circle Time/Story Time, Cultural Teaching and Activities, Educational Sessions (ie. FASD), Swimming, and resources available.
Healthy Babies/Healthy Children
Amber Jourdain
1-807-274-1918, ext. 601
In order to become a participating member of the Toy Lending Library all members are to be a registered member of Couchiching First Nation, and have children between the ages of 0-6, attend all activities with children and have a membership with the Toy Lending Library.
Every month the library distributes milk coupons to parents who are pre and post natal. In order to receive monthly coupons parents are expected to attend all prenatal activities/workshops that are geared to healthy pregnancy.
Couchiching First Nation